Dick’s Anniversary Post

Thanks Lisa, but I just like you like a friend.

This past Monday marks the one year anniversary of me walking out on my job as a lawyer. Okay, so I didn’t technically “walk out” that day, but it was on 11/16/09 that I sat, sweating in my office before making the announcement to the partners.

I was sure it was the right decision — at least as sure as one can be about walking out on a nice salaried job in the middle of his generation’s version of the Great Depression.

Well, after a year of rambling, I can honestly report that I’m happier than I was in my former life. For now, I’m still at my “temporary” job, I still haven’t made up my mind about the JAG Corps, and I haven’t seen enough college football this year. I plan on fixing one of those tomorrow.

What awesome stuff have you been doing?

Feel free to email me. I’m also on Twitter now.

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