Category Archives: Haiku

Tuesday Haiku

It’s been too long since my last haiku.  Thus I will attempt to summarize all or various parts of a very excellent weekend in Charleston via my favorite artistic medium.  This first one is in memory of not only the past few days, but also of what was possibly the first haiku ever penned (or, more accurately, painted) by yours truly. 

Ode to Cooper

Folly Beach houses,

Spilling over with friendship.

Magical, fun time.

Like it?  Of course you do, it’s a haiku.  Even if it’s terrible it only cost you seconds of your life.  This next one is really more about the trip home than the actual weekend:

Idyll on Idling – A poetic study of Reading a Book While Waiting All Day in the Charlotte Airport Because I Missed a Flight and Had Another One Cancelled Due to Non-Existent “Weather

Galant rocking chair,

Keeping my static motion.

My respite from rage.

There’s more poetry developing, but as a result of being out of the office for two days, I actually need to get some work done today.  I mean, I don’t really need to.  Nothing I do today will have any noticeable effect on anything or otherwise influence anyone else’s work here.  Call it an attack of conscious if you want.  That, and I  just assume that at some point, someone around here is going to hold me accountable for the stuff I’m getting paid to look at.

Happy Tuesday.


Monday Haiku

As an apology for not getting the second installment of the Chronicles of Nannia up over the weekend, here’s a haiku.  I call it, “Apology for Not Getting the Second Installment of the Chronicles of Nannia up Over the Weekend”:

Broken promises,

Spill blood from awaiting hearts

With little forethought.

Also, writing haiku has been clinically proven to help ward of the chronic affliction known as “the Mundays,” so I suggest taking a stab at your own this morning.

Happy Monday.



I’ve been getting some really good haiku in the comments.  By the way, does anyone know if the plural of haiku is just “haiku?”  “Haikus” doesn’t seem right and it certainly can’t be “haiki” (pronounced hikee, of course).  Someone look that up.  Also, I know I haven’t exactly been prolific with the haiku (I’m running with this version until someone corrects me) lately, so here are two back to back:


Lazy day rescue;

Unhinge latent inner strife

lurking deep beneath.

…and just so you don’t think I’m getting all serious on you:

Valentine’s Day

Greeting cards just say,

I kinda love you this way:

Four bucks worth today.

Yours in haiku,



…isn’t in the mood to write today, but have some new things brewing.  I don’t want to leave you completely empty handed, so here’s a haiku.  I call it “Saturdays Can Suck Too.”

Saturdays Can Suck Too

Everything is damp.

Soaked, melancholy sorrow

Permeates life’s pores.

Happy Saturday…or crappy Saturday, whatever.


Dick thanks the readers…

…both of them.  Seriously though, I read each comment that comes in.  They are both funny and encouraging and I appreciate both.  Keep ’em coming.

Also, I keep waiting for someone to hit me with some haiku in the comments. It’s so easy.  For instance, how ’bout this little gem:

Send me haiku, ’cause

S’what you were born to do, and

Kris Kross does it too.

Happy weekend.


Dick goes to the YMCA…

…in Haiku form, of course:

Unabashed and nude,

Old guys tow’ling awkwardly;

Stupid gym locker.

Happy Thursday.


Weekend Wrap Up

I’m calling this post a weekend wrap up.  Maybe all this stuff actually happened this past weekend and maybe it didn’t.  You’ll never know, but it’s my post and I’ll call it whatever I want.

Friday evening was happy hour at this fantastic dive bar in North Park.  I deserved it.  After all, I had a long week of doing not a whole lot job searching.  It was perfect though.  They have cheap beer, I met some cool new peeps and discovered that this place shows EPL games on the big screen on weekend mornings.  It was an early night though, and I retired to the GF to chill out with whatever flick I could find on my vast array of movie channels.

As I was station scanning, Continue reading

Saturday Night Haiku

Also known as, “Ode to Hammy’s”…

Swimming with cask strength

Levitation without care,

Truth flails its wild hands.

Happy Tuesday.


Monday’s Haiku

Addictions are for the weak minded:

Coffee brings delight

But I can quit anytime

Addictions?  Not me.

City Lights:

Viewing from my hill

Such grace that had I a loo,

I’d pee outside still.

Happy Monday.


Dick’s Haiku

Little furry ones,

Long greasy ones with style,

Mustaches are fun.